Prior to your thermography appointment, please be advised…
If you have had breast surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation treatments, it is recommended that you wait at least 3 months to have your baseline images captured.
You must not have had a breast biopsy within the last month.
During Lactation, imaging is recommended if there is a problem or concern, but a baseline is not recommended for at least 3 months after the last active breastfeeding.
24 hours prior to your thermography appointment, we ask that you…
Avoid exercise or heavy physical activity.
Do not have a massage or lymph treatment.
Do not have a chiropractic adjustment.
Do not use a sauna, steam bath, or hot tub.
Do not use hot or cold packs on your skin.
On the day of your thermogram, please…
Do not use oil-based products on your body. This can affect the accurate detection of the camera.
Avoid deodorant or creams on the skin, especially oils.
Do not use a heat lamp or come to your appointment with a sunburn. This will require an appointment reschedule.
Do not shave the area to be imaged.
Do not eat for at least 2 hours before imaging, and do not chew gum. (Includes the Women’s Health Study, Men’s Health Study, Full Body Study, or any Head Imaging)
Avoid coffee and/or smoking for at least 2 hours before imaging.
Do not let the A/C in your car blow directly on your skin. It takes time for the body to equilibrate. (You can have the air on in your car, just be sure the vent is not blowing directly on you!)
Remove all jewelry in the area to be imaged. It is fine to do this in the imaging room.